Please note that our Peer Learning Groups are exclusively available to UN Global Compact NL participants. You can check if your company is part of our network here. The Peer Learning Groups are not open to client-facing consultants.
I confirm that our company is a participant of the UN Global Compact NL YesNot yet, but we would like to become one
First Name
Last Name
Number of Employees 1 - 10 10 - 250 250 - 1000 1000 - 10,000 10,000+
Work email
Which Peer Learning Group would you like to join in 2025? (Select one per form) ClimateDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)Human Rights
Name of company representative 1
Email of company representative 1
Recommended: name of company representative 2
Recommended: email of company representative 2
Please indicate the maturity level of your company representative(s) on the selected topic: I have previously been a part of the relevant Peer Learning Group I have previously completed the relevant Accelerator (e.g., Climate Ambition, Target Gender Equality, or Business & Human Rights) I am currently or have been involved in getting my company to raise its ambition towards related topics (e.g., Forward Faster targets, SBTi, TCFD, WEPs, Diversity Charter, or Other (explain))
Please explain your previous experience on this topic
Please indicate if your company would like to join as a co-lead (lead on workshop content, no fee) or regular participant: Co-lead Participant
The costs to participate as a participant will be 450€ (Companies above 250 employees) or 250€ (SMEs below 250 employees) Fill in the following financial details below, including Address, Financial Contact person, & VAT number. Please note that if this field is empty, we cannot accept your application.
Does your invoice require a Purchase Order (PO) number? YesNo
Are there any topics you would like your selected peer learning group to cover?
The UN Global Compact NL would like to mention your company’s participation on our website and social media, together with your company logo. Please let us know if there are any rules or limitations we should be aware
By completing this form, you consent to our privacy policy.