Please note that the event has reached its full capacity. By submitting the form, you will be placed on our waiting list and will be notified once a spot has opened up.
First Name
Last Name
Job Title Please note for consultants: We regret to inform you that we have reached the maximum capacity for consultant registrations and can no longer issue additional tickets.
Organization Type Company SME Non-business UNGC Local Network Other
Are you currently a Participant of UN Global Compact? YesNo Not sure? Look up your organisation here:
What is your prefered language? DutchEnglishNo preference
Does your company have a SBTi Net-Zero commitment? Yes, before 2024Yes, since 2024No, but considering itNo, not our priorityI don't know
Which challenges or opportunities are currently present within your company and would you like to see further discussed during Sustainability Day?
Any questions? Please reach out to